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Board Appeal Process

Board Appeal Process

The student, group, or registered organization being disciplined may petition for an appeal of a decision reached by a conduct board or administrative hearing. A petition for an appeal must be made in writing by the student to the Dean of Students' Office within a period of five (5) working days from the date of notification. A petition for appeal made to the Dean of Students' Office will be reviewed to determine its merit and must be based on one or more of the following reasons:

  • An error in procedure, which prejudiced the process to the extent that the participant was denied a fundamentally fair hearing as a result of the error. Procedural flaws alone are not grounds for an appeal. Significant procedural errors that may have affected the verdict or sanction will be considered; or
  • The emergence of new evidence that could not have been previously discovered and that, had it been represented at the initial hearing, would have substantially affected the original decision of the hearing body.

The student, group, or organization being disciplined must specify in detail why they believe they are entitled to an appeal. Based on its merit, the request for appeal will be reviewed by an empanelled appeals board or assigned administrative review officer. A request for appeal which does not clearly raise, in writing, one or more of the reasons listed above shall be dismissed without further consideration. The request for appeal shall be limited in its review to the reason or reasons raised in the written appeal.

The decision of the empanelled appeals board or administrative hearing officer, granting or denying the appeal will be in writing. Following the notification by the student, group, or organization of the intent to petition for appeal and pending the appeal process, the disciplinary action taken by the university may be stayed unless the Dean of Students' Office has determined in a case involving removal from the university that the continued presence on campus of the charged student, group, or organization poses a continuing danger to persons or property or an ongoing threat of disrupting the academic process.

Hearing Appeal Form